Brain in a Vat

"What is real? How do you define real? If you are talking about what you see,smell,touch or feel then Real is nothing but electrical signals interpreted by your brain...."

There lines were explained by Morpheus to Neo to tell about the Matrix.. The philosophy used here is too old, popularly know as "Brain in a Vat.."

It something says that if a living brain is kept inside a vat with constant supply of vital elements, and it is simulated with external signals then there's now way that the Brain can tell about the reality.. The brain would be completely deluded by those signals..

For an instant, that brain may believe that "he is walking in a sunny beach" though in real fact he is just kept inside a Vat in complete darkness..and that too without any body and skull..!!

Well..still some philosophers deny this state by saying that brain and mind are different..which is really an illogical argument..

Just think about it..and try to realize its significance..
It can also be possible that even we,and the whole universe is just a simulation of a huge software carried out by some intelligence elements or aliens..! And also we can be just a object of a programming language..on which simulation is been subjected..! And all laws of physics are the variable declaration or arithmetic expressions..!! 

Whatsoever, it's not possible to tell that either we are a brain in vat or something else, as by theory we are completely deluded..and there's no way to escape... don't expect that a anonymous message will popped on your dos screen and you'll be called by you are not Neo.!!  Lolz!!


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