Hide Console Window C++

There are two ways to hide the console window. Depending on the Compiler one of them will work.. Recommended for programming spy or background tools..

/*  Method 1 to hide or show console window */

void stealth()
ShowWindow( GetConsoleWindow(), SW_HIDE );

void reveal()
ShowWindow( GetConsoleWindow(), SW_RESTORE );

Image source from internet

/*  Method 2 to hide or show console window */

void stealth()
typedef HWND (WINAPI *tGetConsoleWindow)(void);
tGetConsoleWindow pGetConsoleWindow = 0;
HINSTANCE handle = ::LoadLibrary("Kernel32.dll");
if ( handle )
pGetConsoleWindow = (tGetConsoleWindow)::GetProcAddress(handle, "GetConsoleWindow");

HWND hwnd = pGetConsoleWindow();

void reveal()
typedef HWND (WINAPI *tGetConsoleWindow)(void);
tGetConsoleWindow pGetConsoleWindow = 0;
HINSTANCE handle = ::LoadLibrary("Kernel32.dll");
if ( handle )
pGetConsoleWindow = (tGetConsoleWindow)::GetProcAddress(handle, "GetConsoleWindow");

HWND hwnd = pGetConsoleWindow();


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